Varsity code of conduct

Statement of Intent

“All institutions involved in the Varsity believe in providing an inclusive, professional, and safe environment for all teams and athletes to participate in. Each institution, the Liverpool John Moores University and University of Liverpool expects all players and clubs to adopt this ethos. Therefore, ensuring that the Varsity Championships is a well-respected event that any student would be proud to be a part of”.


Code of Conduct

The code is designed to ensure that all players, sports clubs’ members and spectators represent and uphold the expected behaviour of their university. Varsity is an opportunity to embrace the opportunity to participate and or watch the prestigious university competition. The code of conduct sets out the expected levels of behaviour for those in attendance at the event as a player and or spectator, representing their club and respective institution. In line with standard disciplinary procedure per institution, any alleged breach of the code will be investigated and may lead to disciplinary action against an individual or group in any case found to be proven.

As a member of Liverpool John Moores University/University of Liverpool (which extends to players, squad members, coaches, officials, and supporters), you agree to:


  • Review and familiarise yourself with the relevant regulations to my sport and Varsity format ahead of the event.
  • Respect the rights and values of others. Refrain from actions that are likely to intimidate, offend, insult, or discriminate against another person on the grounds of their religion, sexual orientation, disability or race.
  • Demonstrate fairness, consideration, and integrity in all dealings with others.
  • Take responsibility for individual and collective actions.
  • Demonstrate positive behaviour that reflects your club and university in a positive manner.
  • Adhere to the venue and facility terms of use. Urination on/near the playing pitch or University playing facilities is strictly prohibited, please use the bathroom facilities on site.
  • Adhere to your institution’s individual code of conduct and social guidelines. Breaching any of the guidelines in these documents may constitute misconduct.


Drugs and Alcohol

  • You are prohibited from bringing alcohol into any of the University of Liverpool or Liverpool John Moores facilities and or externally hired venues. If found in possession of alcohol this will be confiscated. Security staff will perform bag searches prior to entry into all facilities.
  • Consumption of alcohol prior to arrival and or participation in fixtures is prohibited. Students deemed to be intoxicated will be refused participation and or teams suspended from the sport.
  • Possession, use or being under the influence of social drugs and or performance enhancing drugs at the event is strictly prohibited.
  • Spectators are prohibited from drinking alcohol pitch/pool side
  • Inappropriate behaviour by spectators deemed to be intoxicated will be removed from the university facilities. 


Sportsmanship – Playing the game

We ask all competitors:  

  • You will be welcoming and hospitable to all opponents and always demonstrating respect and integrity. 
  • Commit to playing a full competitive match, respecting the history of the Varsity Championships.
  • Shall not incite or cause violent behaviour both on and off the field of play, respecting the officials officiating the fixtures.
  • Respect the to property both on and off the field of play.
  • Uphold the code of conduct and rules of your sport. 
  • Shall always uphold sportsmanlike behaviour and should make concerted efforts to attend the awards ceremony.

This is not an exhaustive list and rulings, any issues of misconduct lie with each University/Unions Office, who will follow their institution disciplinary procedure.


Disciplinary Action

If any member fails to comply with these rules, they may be subject to disciplinary action. Any disciplinary action shall be dealt with by the respective University/Union in question and in conjunction with each individual’s University/Union’s disciplinary procedures. Any member subject to a disciplinary shall have the right to put forward a defence against any accusations made against them.

All punishments will be subject to the relevant University/Unions disciplinary procedures as well as individual club disciplinary procedures.