School Reps

What are School Reps?

Are like senior course reps, who work at a school level and therefore represent not just their peers on their course, but all students across all courses within their school. This means that they not only collect feedback from a variety of students across courses, but also from other course reps within their school. 

These academic reps attend Faculty Education Student Experience Committees, feeding back any school-wide issues, rather than course specific issues, to the relevant academic staff and professional services within these meetings. 

This student leader role is paid by JMSU, as we are keen to ensure our student leaders know their time is valuable, and that we are putting money back into students’ pockets. 

How do they differ from Course Reps?

Course reps are students who volunteer to represent and collect feedback from their peers around course-level issues and best practice, and communicate this to their programme leads and other academic staff at Board of Studies.

School reps are students who are paid to represent all of the students within their school and collect feedback from across courses outside of their own, as well as communicate any feedback from course reps to heads of departments at higher level committee meetings.  

How can I contact my School Rep?

Whether you are a student or a member of academic staff, our school reps can be reached by their LJMU email addresses. Please see below for your school rep information.  

What can I contact my school rep about?

You can contact your school rep about any issues or best practice within your school and beyond your course, that is not relevant to bring to your programme lead or Board of Studies.

Anything that is specific to your course, modules or teaching, is better directed to your course rep(s).