Middle East Support

We understand that students may have been impacted by the events taking place in the Middle East.

Our priority is always the safety and wellbeing of LJMU students. As a Students’ Union we continue to stand firm against hate and discrimination and champion a solution-based approach to conflict.

We empathise with students who may be affected by events unfolding. As we move forward, we would like to reiterate our focus, which is ensuring student safety on and off-campus, student wellbeing and share resources that students can access.  

Guide to protesting

Everyone has the right to protest. Students throughout history have protested at their universities, to mobilise to make change on a range of issues.

What to know about protesting

Support for Students

Ensuring students feel safe and supported is at the forefront of our work and we will continue to work with LJMU and external organisations to achieve this. Students can access support from: 

Support from the University

LJMU Student Advice and Wellbeing teams are here to support you on a variety of different topics. They hold a drop-in service is at the Student Life Building, Monday to Friday 10am to 4pm and appointments are available across campus and virtually via Teams or telephone at the following link to the SAW booking page. 

Alternatively, you can email studentwellbeing@ljmu.ac.uk or call 0151 231 3664. 

Support from JMSU

We know that it may be difficult to focus on your studies at this time.

If you are struggling with academic work, you should first talk to your tutor, who will be able to offer support and advice.

Alternative JMSU Advice can offer free, impartial advice and support on university issues to all students at LJMU.  

LJMU Faith and Spirituality Support 

As a member of the LJMU community you have the right to religious freedom and we work hard to ensure tolerance and equality for all. This page offers information on the chaplaincy team, prayer spaces and support the university can offer students of faith. 

Visit LJMU Faith and Spirituality support

LJMU Money Team 

If you are facing financial difficulty due to the conflict, we encourage you to speak to the Money Advice Team. They can offer guidance about how to apply for the Student Support Fund. They also provide a drop-in service from 10am-4pm Monday to Friday at on the ground floor at in the entrance of the Student Life Building. 

National Union of Students (NUS) Guidance  

As an affiliated member of the NUS, students, student groups, and JMSU staff and officers can access guidance from the NUS.  

Zero Tolerance for Discrimination

As a membership organisation we represent a diverse range of students who we celebrate and learn from. We have zero tolerance towards discrimination and hate crime. We will continue to inform community members and student leaders and ensure educational resources are accessible.  
We will continue to work alongside LJMU to ensure reporting mechanisms are fit for purpose and responsive. There are multiple services available to students to report and support those who are, or have, experienced discrimination of any kind.  

Ask for Martin 

To help make our university campuses as safe and supportive as possible you can meet our university police officer, Martin Triggs. Every Thursday, Friday, and Monday between 10am and 12noon at the Student Life Building. Come to the JMSU reception on the Upper Ground Floor and simply ‘Ask for Martin’. He is accessible to anyone to discuss any issues they may be facing, their experience in or outside of university, reporting a crime or ask for guidance. You do not need to reveal any more details than you want to and can speak to Martin in confidence. 

You can contact PC Martin Triggs at any time by emailing Martin.B.Triggs@merseyside.police.uk 

Or alternatively please visit Merseyside Police 

LJMU Report + Support 

Report and Support is LJMU's reporting platform this is for reports of assault, bullying, discrimination, domestic abuse and ‘honour’ based abuse, harassment and stalking, hate crime, sexual violence and spiking.

This tool also allows students to report anonymously.  

Community Security Trust   

If you see or experience antisemitism, report it to the Community Security Trust

Both JMSU Hate Crime Reporting Service and LJMU Report + Support are not emergency services. If there is an immediate risk of serious harm, please call the emergency services on 999. 

You can also contact the University security team on (0151) 231 2222 (or 2222 from an internal phone).  

The Student Life Building is also a safe refuge at any time of day, with LJMU security based in the building 24/7.  If you are concerned about your own or anyone else’s welfare, at any time, then the team at SLB will provide safety and support. 

Tell MAMA   

Tell MAMA supports victims of islamophobia and anti-muslim hate. Here you can address your concerns and record any incident that you experience as a result of your Muslim faith or someone perceiving you to be Muslim. Head to their website now.

JMSU Community

Here at JMSU we have a variety of faith-based societies you can get involved with, they can help you find like-minded people and building belonging whilst you are studying at LJMU.

Join a faith-based society

You can also join our Student Communities  


Open Dialogue

We believe that students should feel free to ask questions and build on their knowledge regarding current world affairs, therefore we promote students to contact us: studentvoice@ljmu.ac.uk if they have any concerns or questions.  

Write to your MP 

We know that some students are keen to write to their MP about the on-going situation in the Middle East, Amnesty have created a useful resource to help with this.