
Student groups are run by students, for students. They should be run democratically so that everyone involved in the group can have a say in how they are run. There are two key things you need to do to make sure your members have their say in how the Group and ensure it's run in conjunction with JMSU procedures and policies.

Our Policies & Code of Conduct

Every member of a student group, including committee members, agrees to adhere to the student group code of conduct and therefore the JMSU policies when they pay for membership or sign up to student groups. 

The code of conduct is a set of expectations outlined to every committee and individual member. The form must be submitted before any activity can take place by student groups.

Committee Structure & Roles (Sports & Societies)


Sports Committee Structure

Each sport must have the following five-committee positions: -

JMSU also recommends the committee hold the following positions that are not compulsory:-


Society Committee Structure

Each society must have the following four-committee positions:-

JMSU also recommends the committee hold the following positions that are not compulsory:-

How to elect a new committee?

Registered members of one of our student groups (sports and societies) are eligible to nominate themselves for available committee roles as well as having their say on who leads their club/society and vote in the election.There are a range of committee roles (see above) and each play a key role in shaping the direction of your chosen student group for the academic year.

Read the Student Group Elections Rules & Regulations


Each group must hold an Annual General Meeting or AGM each year. This meeting is your and your members’ opportunity to make changes to the Group for the future and review the last year, renaming your Group, adding new committee members and many other things must be discussed and voted on in an AGM before they can be enacted.


An EGM is an Emergency General Meeting. An EGM can be held at any point during the year, when necessary. EGMs are usually held when you need to change your constitution, or when you need to elect a new committee member outside of an AGM.

Useful information about AGM & EGM

Alumni/Associate Members

Associate members can join our student societies or sports clubs and meet new people while making the most of our varied health, fitness, and social activities.If you're alumni of LJMU, a Students' Union/College staff member, a student at another university, or partner institutions, then you're eligible to join the Students' Union through associate membership. 

This year associate and alumni members can sign up via the website. Click on login and go through the steps to register/sign in. Please note that associate members are not eligible to hold a committee position.

Contact the activities team