
Sponsorship is a two-way exchange and is not a donation of cash. In this case, it’s a business relationship between the sponsor and society/sport. Sponsorship is a great way for companies to target the student market and to raise awareness of their brand or products, whilst your society/sport will benefit from increased income to support your activities and events.

Sponsorship process

1. Find your sponsor

2. Introduce yourself

3. Prepare your proposal and talk to JMSU

4. Group get it signed by all parties

5. JMSU to complete a Sponsorship Agreement Form

6. Discuss with the sponsors

7. Group and sponsor fulfil the agreement

8. Group submit an Income Request Form to JMSU

9. Sponsor pays and money is added to Group account


To help you with the process, we have come up with a Sponsorship Guide. This includes template documents to help you promote your society/sport, create a sponsorship contract, and receive the income.

Sponsorship Guides & Forms

Sponsorship Guide

Sponsorship Letter Template

Please contact the Opportunities & Development Team for any questions or queries.