
When going on any trip, outside of Liverpool or abroad, we require information from you. You are to advise JMSU any time that you are organising a trip. This includes day trips within the UK and when you go abroad. It is vital that you provide us with this information before you go on your trip. 

Trip in the UK

Whether you're staying in the UK or traveling abroad we require a list of all students attending the trip. As well as this, you must also provide us with full details of where you will be going, and where you will be staying (if applicable). We also require an emergency contact number of the Organiser. All of this information is to be submitted at least 48 hours before you are due to depart on your trip.

Submit trip registration form

Emergency Procedures

In the event of an emergency, please make every effort to follow the Emergency Procedure. Your number one priority should be the safety of all your members. If you are planning any activity outside the scope of your risk assessment then you must contact JMSU at least 2 weeks prior

Emergency Procedures

Trips outside the UK

When planning a trip abroad you must get this approved by JMSU. Without this approval, you will not be able to go on the trip. It is essential that you provide this information before making arrangements. Please ensure that a Risk Assessment is completed BEFORE you begin to make plans for your trip. The Trips abroad information pack is here to provide you with all the necessary details required for your trip. You are to adhere to this information when you are going on a trip. 

Trip abroad guidelines

Still have questions?

Contact the activities team