Personal circumstances

When serious and exceptional issues arise that are outside of your control, it can often impact your ability to undertake and complete your academic work. We understand this can be stressful. JMSU are here to provide some FAQs you might want to read. Firstly, it’s crucial to contact your module leader as soon as you can to let them know about your difficulties.

If you are unsure and want to speak to someone further about your personal and extenuating circumstances, please get in touch.

What does Personal Circumstance mean?

Personal Circumstance Issues can range from:

  • health-related issues – both physical and mental
  • Bereavement
  • Changes to caring responsibilities or domestic responsibilities

How can I submit a Personal Circumstance application?

  • Request an extension – if you know you aren’t going to meet a deadline due to the circumstance/s, but with some extra time you could complete the work. If it is accepted, you will be given a new deadline date.
  • Defer your work through a Non-Attempt Submission – If you have not been able to meet the deadline or were unable to attend an exam. If accepted, you will be given a fresh opportunity to complete the work. If accepted, you will be given a fresh opportunity to complete the work in the next relevant assessment period
  • Special Mitigation – If you have started a time-limited assessment such as an exam and have an exceptional issue that means that you are unable to complete the assessment, Special Mitigation is the route to take. If accepted, one of the following would be granted – a deferral, or your mark would be given based on the work submitted (if there is enough there).

What do I need to include on the Personal Circumstances form?

It’s important to include any evidence on your Personal Circumstance form, but this isn’t always easy to provide. Make sure you contact your personal tutor or programme leader to discuss, or get in touch with us for help.

Include your personal details, information about the circumstance and how it is affecting your studies/assessments. Include what module/assessments it will affect.

When do I have to submit the Personal Circumstance form by?

If you are requesting an extension you will need to submit this at least 48 hours before the submission deadline. If you are requesting during this 48-hour period, you will need to state why you were not able to submit the request earlier.

If you are submitting Personal Circumstances for either Non-submission or Special Mitigation, it is best to submit as soon as you can after the missed or affected assessment. The application should be made no later than 5 working days after the affected assessment was due. Late applications may be accepted if your circumstances prevented you submitting within time.