
Students have the right to complain about University issues regarding their course, other students, or staff members. If you have already tried to resolve the problem but with no success, the next step may be to submit a formal complaint. See below for more information about the Complaints Procedure which consists of three stages.

Are you having some issues with your course, and feel that they are unresolved? Or do you want to raise an issue you are facing with another student or staff member?

If you would like further information, please get in touch.

Stage one: Seek a local resolution

In the first instance, we would advise raising your concerns with the relevant faculty or member of staff.

This would be deemed as a Stage One complaint, where you attempt Local Resolution which is often speedier. You must do this within 30 days of the event/issue occurring.

Stage two: Submit complaint to the university’s Student Governance department

If this doesn’t resolve the issue, or if the situation is more serious/complex, you may wish to proceed with a Stage Two Formal Complaint.

This involves escalating the Complaint to the universities Student Governance department. This must be done within 3 months of the event/issue occurring. 

Stage three: appeal an unsatisfactory conclusion

Following the outcome of your stage two complaint, if you feel that the complaint has not been addressed appropriately, or that the Complaints procedure has not been followed accordingly, you have the right to appeal to a Stage Three complaint. This is a request a review of their formal complaint by the Vice-Chancellor (or nominee).

To progress to a stage 3 complaint you must provide a statement detailing your reasons to escalate to a stage 3 and why you feel the outcome of stage 2 is unreasonable. You must do this within 15 days of your stage 2 response. 

For more information on the Complaints and Appeals Policy, or guidance on completing the Complaints Formplease contact us.

Complaint not upheld?

If your complaint is not upheld at stage 3 this means you cannot progress further under LJMU process.

At this point you will receive a Completion Of Procedures (COP) letter from the university which gives you 12 months to submit a complaint to the Office of the Independent Adjudicator – an independent body who review complaints made against higher education providers. 

For advice and further information on this process please contact us –