Loan laptops

Where are the loan laptops

Laptops are located in: Aldham Robarts Library, Avril Robarts Library, Student Life Building, Redmonds Building and the Byrom Street Pavilion. The laptops can be used off-campus, only once you have logged into them whilst still on campus

See what loan laptops are free


How do I borrow & return a laptop

You will need your University card to borrow a laptop. Simply tap your card on the unit and a light flashes on the locker containing the laptop that you can borrow. On-screen instructions show you what to do. The laptop loan is registered to your library account and you will receive an email receipt confirmation. 

How to borrow a Laptop

To return the laptop you will need your university card again. Tap your card on the unit and a light will flash on the locker you need to return the laptop to. Once again on-screen instructions will show you what to do. 


How Long can I loan a laptop for?

There are 2 options for laptop loan:

  1. Same day loan- these will be loaned until 11.59pm on the day you borrow it
  2. 7-day loan- these will be loaned until 11.59pm 7 days after you borrow it