Expand the Nighttime Guardian Programme with a Student Helpline
More female events for Women's History Month
More accessible events for disabled students
Student safety is a massive concern for students, staff, parents and the community. I plan to enhance the Nighttime Guardians by including a hotline service for people to use when walking home. There are amazing organisations who offer this service already so I would like to implement one within the SU. This can also be used as a volunteering opportunity to build on the hours students already have. Sometimes it is easier talking to someone who is around your own age and that is why I want to launch the 'Waffle While You Walk' phone service.
As a President of a society I understand the work that needs to be put in to achieve results and last year as President of the Feminist Society I was nominated for Volunteer of the Year. Within the Feminist Society, we were nominated for 5 awards including Society of the Year. I have excellent leadership skills and am able to work in a team.
I would like to work closely with the VP Activities to encourage students to learn about safety on nights out and how to look after each other.
I would organise a lot more for International Women's Day and Women's History Month because the SU has been lacking with this and focuses more on Movember. Women deserve to be celebrated and respected and I want to showcase the amazing women within our SU and the university.
I want to implement more disabled accessible events and help do this within the SU.