Open up libraries again till 11pm
Make an appreciation award for academic societies at graduation
Push exams back a week for international students to travel home
Hello, I’m Erin Gerard and I'm running for VP of education!
I believe I'm qualified for this role as I’m President of Women in STEM society at LJMU, advocating and providing an open space for women and non-gendered students who love science as much as I do!
I've participated in charity work helping young individuals in unpaid caring roles to access valuable information through video work. Also, alumni public speaking at my previous college.
I am proactive and have proven experience from being a course rep and implementing suggestions that benefit me and peers.
I want to motivate all individuals at LJMU to get the best academic experience they're paying for!
Some ideas I want to put forward are:
1) Open the libraries back to 11pm during exam season time
There are limited resources in just one library, and we should have full access to everything available during exam season.
2) Make an appreciation for academic society committee and course reps at graduation
This dedication and volunteering experience should be rewarded by LJMU for making the university such an open, communicative space for education which is what we're all here for!
3) Push exams back a week after Christmas
After consultation, it’s suggested that international students have not been able to visit home on winter break, I'd like to push exams back a week to help with educational stress and students’ mental wellbeing!
Voting starts March 10th, I hope you will vote for and endorse me! Thank you for reading!